Wahat "Aleslah" in Hidd branch organized "Al-Isra Mosque competition11" remotely
  • 2020-05-30

Wahat "Aleslah" in Hidd branch organized "Al-Isra Mosque competition11" remotely

Wahat Al-Qur’an were organized by the Eslah Branch in Al-Hidd in cooperation with the Al-Isra Mosque "Al-Isra Mosque competition11" for the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. 30 contestants from the three academic levels participated in the competition, where the contestant sends a video clip containing a recitation of a section of the Holy Quran in a correct manner, and the required speech recited according to each stage and read its words correctly with a full explanation of the hadith. Participants were evaluated according to specific criteria under the supervision of a group of Qur’an teachers.

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